Sunday 15 January 2012

Couple Stalking:Michael Ealy & Halle Berry

So I know Halle Berry is currently seeing french squeeze Olivier Martinez and I hope it works out but I loved her with Michael Ealy. They starred together in Their Eyes Were Watching God and their chemistry was so potent, no wonder they started dating. They made a beautiful couple and Michael is drop dead gorgeous. It's a shame they broke up. Michael also dated rapper Eve.


  1. I know, he's gorgeous! How did Halle let that one go lol.

  2. Halle has got to be crazy he is soo hot

  3. Totally. :-)I do wonder what went wrong,gorgeous looks aside, he seems like a good guy with some substance. He comes across really well in interviews and doesn't seem to have an ego.

  4. halle a psycho bytch...when it comes to dudes, this has been proven....

  5. Poor Halle, she can't seem to win with people either way. A former boyfriend did deafen her in one ear, which is pretty hiddeous. Whatever happened in the past, I hope she finds happiness in her new relationship.
