Friday 9 December 2011

XY Chromosome Sundae:Tom Hardy

It's a feast of eye candy this week and British actor Tom Hardy is no exception. I've been crushing on him big time ever since Scenes of a Sexual Nature, Stuart: A Life Backwards and Bronson. He's like a big, wild cat, very sexy and definitely on the edge. He basically doesn't seem to give a fuck, which I really like. I've read some interviews and thought shit, did you really just say that?? Did you just admit that to a journalist and not give a shit about your image? Love it. I think he had a serious drug problem in the past which is hardly a suprise. Hey drugs meet artist! A match made in heaven. Tom's other film credits are Inception, Warrior, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and This Means War. Next up, Wettest County opposite the break through actress of 2011 Jessica Chastain and the new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. He's not just great to look at, he's a very talented actor. His performance in Bronson was genius and Warrior is a great film. Tom's gorgeous fiance must go to sleep a very happy woman. I bet she wants to wear a t shirt saying Back off bitches, I'm fucking Tom Hardy. Great looking couple too. :-)


  1. Well yeah, I guess a man could also be classified as a bitch. I believe at one point he was bi, although he now claims he prefers woman.

    I do think that Aaron Johnson is the one to watch in years to come, give him 5-6years and he'll surpass Hardy.

  2. Yeah the funny thing is, when he admitted to being bi I wasn't remotely surprised. I actually liked him more for confessing and it didn't effect his career. I'm so sure there are plenty of famous actors passing as straight that are actually bi or gay. Oh, like Aaron Johnson too, definitely one to watch.

  3. Actually,he didnt say he was Bi,..heres the quote:
    "Hardy said that he has "played with everything and everyone" but now that he is in his thirties he is done experimenting.".

  4. Thanks for clarifying Whiskey River.Still, if he's ''played with everything and everyone''then that includes both women and men.He may not have said it outright in that particular quote but the implication was there. I'm not trying to put labels on the guy,I really like him. It doesn't bother me at all, sexuality can be fluid for some people.

  5. Also, totally non related Whiskey River but I've been to Phoenix,Arizona a few times. I love the huge cactuses there, strangely beautiful.

  6. I picked up on the recovery thing. He thanks his HP and talks about cleaning up his side of the street. Right out of the big book.
