Tuesday 27 December 2011

Ode To Wyatt Cenac

Comedian, writer and actor Wyatt Cenac. Major dream husband alert. Wyatt is a writer and regular contributor to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I've explained why I love this man so much in two previous posts. Lucky Joy Bryant clutching onto him like that, her face says it all. He's very handsome and oozes noncholant cool. There can never be enough posts about Wyatt. Suffice to say I've watched Medicine for Melancholy at least seven times so far and I'm sure that number will increase. Yo, savvy directors, please cast Wyatt in a another cool indie flick because he has it all. And because funny, quirky black nerds rock.


  1. A girl after my own heart. I agree with you about the black nerds and hipsters. It's nice to see another depiction of blacks from the usual hip-hop/RnB genres.

    I like Joy. She's pretty and seems down to earth. No pretensions.

  2. Thank you, definitely good to see depictions outside the stereotypical and they are out there.Joy is naturally beautiful and has a cool vibe about her. She seems to be aptly named, lol at Wyatt's expression in that pic.
