Friday 3 June 2011

Couple Stalking:Ilia Calderon and Eugene Jang

Black Colombian journalist and newscaster Ilia Calderon and her Korean American boyfriend Eugene Jang. I saw an interview with them and they were hilarious. Nice couple.


  1. She is so gorgeous and they make such an attractive pair. I hope that they are still together.

  2. Yes she is, lovely looking couple and also very funny.The pictures don't actually do Eugene justice imo, I watched an interview with them and he's a very good looking guy.As far as I know they're still together.

  3. Yup, saw the same interview. I think it was done a yr ago or so. He is attractive to, but she is just so striking to me. I hope they get married and have kids so I can see what they look like. = )

  4. If they did, I think they'd have beautiful children. :-)

  5. These relationships are tough. I'm Korean, married to a Salvadorean woman. The Korean parents are dominating and it is hard for the Korean boyfriend to break rhythm from his parents influence. A latina expects her novio to be solid, brave and be able to defend her. When a novio buckles to his parents' prejudices or pressure and doesn't defend the girlfriend, the relationship breaks. I think Eugene has introduced Ilia to his parents so things are cool. But I had this problem. My parents disowned me but I am happy with my wife and our kids and I have a large Salvadorean surrogate family of in-laws that have accepted and love me.

    1. Don Enrique,
      Thanks for contributing to this site by giving us your experience as well, for at least you 'married' the woman that you love, wish Ilia and Eugene would have done the same (first).

      Not trying to dump on anyone or judge, but speaking as an "out of wedlock" child, it really doesn't get better as you get older (the stigma of the bastard child), and while I realize that sadly most of society would not agree, dignity and "doing the right thing" for the child still is the way to go here. Just because others people's marriage didn't last, doesn't mean they couldn't try out to be the "blessed" (don't believe in luck) ones. Thanks again Mr. Enrique.

  6. Don Enrique, it was really good to get your experience on the matter. I'm sorry that your parents disowned you, but I'm glad that you found solace in your wife's family.

  7. Sorry this is late guys.Don Enrique thank you for sharing and I'm sorry that you had a tough time and very glad to hear you've gained a Salvadorean family that love you.

  8. Hi Preta, sorry to hear about the difficulties you encountered. I think Ilia and Eugene are pretty serious,they've met each other's families and that's a good sign.Hopefully they'll take that big step down the line.
