Sunday 15 May 2011

Staff Benda Bilili Gig

I've just gotten back from seeing one of my favourite bands ever and it was beyond fantastic. Staff Benda Bilili played at The Roundhouse tonight and it was phenomenal. Best band I've seen live, I haven't experienced something like that for a long time. I knew every track because I've been playing their album repeatedly.They are just remarkable musicians and I love African music, particularly their style of infectious Congolese rhythms. They have an incredible back story and are very inspiring. The audience went absolutely wild, their encore lasted almost another fourty mins. Their opening act was the beautiful Fatouma Diawara and wow, love her! Amazing talent. She's like an african India Arie. She blew the audience away with her style of folksy, melodious african tunes. I picked up her EP at the end and can't wait till her album drops in September. But the night truly belonged to Staff Benda Bilili, I cannot say enough great things about this band, if they come to your neck of the woods, try to catch them. I promise you will never forget it.

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