Saturday 11 December 2010

Treat Of The Week

I remeneber this video as a teenager, I watched it over and over again whilst wiping the drool from my mouth. I loved this song and had such a huge crush on D'Angelo, he's a very talented man with an incredible voice and was stunning at the time. I already owned his debut album and promptly bought the follow up by the time this was out.So did every other woman who was in her right mind.

This track is phenomenal. Supremely gifted neo soul chameleon Maxwell produces magic once again. I like the video, it's simple yet beautiful. Maxwell's voice is a musical instrument. I like the depiction of him in several couplings cuddling in bed. There's something so intimate about holding someone you care about in bed. You imprint the contours of their body on your memory, your hands. So much so that should they not be around you could almost stroke them into being.

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