I've had a lady crush on french auteur Julie Delphy for a while. She's so my kind of chick, creative, offbeat and ballsy. Also, is it me or are french women just inherently very attractive? Julie is a talented actress, director, screenwriter and singer songwriter. She studied film making in New York. Most people probably know her for Three Colours White, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and 2 Days in Paris which she wrote, directed and starred in. The film also features her real life father playing the role of her father. I love the scene in the taxi cab where she gets into a verbal slanging match with a racist cab driver and gives him hell while her boyfriend, Adam Goldberg's character looks as if he'd like to vanish and the scene in the restaurant where they bump into another one of her exes and she almost beats him up. Hilarious. I think Julie's a good example of women in film who are producing the kind of movies they want to make. Rather than being completely reliant on Hollywood for roles, she'll also create them for hereself and hopefully for other actresses in the future.